GPS Tracking Savings

Our Main Savings Benefit

 Do you want more productivity for the same costs you pay now? Do you want to eliminate waste and inefficient use of resources? That is our specialty.

These are invisible losses that can be visible profit.



Just 10 miles over the limit runs
20% more fuel consumption.

Side Trips

The cost is on you,
whatever the reason.

Excess Idling

1 hour of idling can use up to
1 gallon of fuel. You can save
up to 3% of total fuel costs by
detecting and correcting this.


Type in location of client, and a list of the closest vehicles is displayed. Or right click the location on the Google map and the same calculation is performed. No more radio/cell searching for closest vehicle to a client.


Excess Idling

Adds seven miles to
the vehicle PM.

Wear and Tear

Lower cost and wear and tear through reducing unauthorized use.


Type in location of client, and a list of the closest vehicles is displayed. Or right click the location on the Google map and the same calculation is performed. No more radio/cell searching for closest vehicle to a client.


Stolen Vehicles

Location services make stolen property easy to recover. Insurance would never have to pay out for theft.


Why Track?

An honest day’s pay –
deserves an honest day’s work!

What Risks?

Unauthorized vehicle use, fuel consumption, insurance risk, vehicle wear, extra mileage, using your name/logo/reputation. Watch your drivers’ speed to reduce probability of accidents.

Contact us to see how
we save you money.